Michael B. Young Award

In Recognition of Those Who Demonstrate Michael's Contagious Enthusiasm for Skiing and/or Snowboarding
Michael B. Young was a friend of BBSEF starting from his first days as a Mitey Mite in 1994. Michael grew up in our program first as an alpine ski racer and freestyle skier. Once he was done competing, Michael, along with his father Barry, revitalized what is now the BBSEF Freeski & Snowboard Program. In short order, Michael became the builder and forerunner extraordinaire of the annual Coaches Cup Gelande jump. The bottom line is that Michael loved to ski no matter what discipline or role he took on. And he shared his great enthusiasm for the sport with anyone lucky enough to cross his path.
Michael and Barry brought the Big Mountain Competition to Bogus Basin the year before Michael passed. The annual event is now named in his honor.
Michael truly epitomized the happy, fun, athletic person that BBSEF is proud to call their own. The Michael B. Young Award is presented annually to a BBSEF member, athlete, coach or volunteer, who is a cheerful inspiration to those around them and best exemplifies Michael’s passion, drive, and love for the sport of skiing and/or snowboarding.
Although Michael’s time with us was far too short, his infectious smile, work ethic and contagious enthusiasm will not be forgotten.
Michael B. Young Award Recipients 2011 to Present